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Flyer design

Some of the flyers designs exist only digitally when we simply needed a digital version for long-form content. Others are exclusively for print, as the tactile experience of a printed leaflet at conferences can be unmatched.

Magazine on culture

This magazine is based on five interviews with individuals from five different countries, digging into the importance of culture and the individual meaning of it.

White paper for 'What’s a CDE?'

This 10-page long white paper was distributed as a digital PDF and explains the value behind CDEs.

Leaflet for KubeCon explaining Gitpod

The leaflet was created for KubeCon EU and NA 2023 with the aim to explain Gitpod’s value in a simple way to booth visitors new to the concept of CDEs.


From 2015 to 2023

Tool stack

Adobe InDesign
Adobe Illustrator


From 2015 to 2023

Tool stack

Adobe InDesign
Adobe Illustrator

Christin Frohne

Brand and Product Designer

Copyright 2024

Christin Frohne

Brand and Product Designer

Copyright 2024

Christin Frohne

Brand and Product Designer

Copyright 2024